Winter Blues

>> Sunday, January 18, 2009

This past week has been freezing, around -25 and wind chills around -40!!! So, needless to say, I haven't been getting to much shooting done. I did however convince one poor girl into a outdoor shoot. I actually love winter photos, mostly because I love hats, wool textures, and colorful scarfs! I had a lot of ideas for this shoot, but the theme ended up being..take the photos as fast as possible, then run back to the car!


Winter Sunset


CONTEST!!! Win a free Infant Session with Moi!!

>> Sunday, January 11, 2009

So basically I'm just going to paste my ad here. Get those entries in!!!

Enter for your chance to win a free infant photo session valued at $85.00!!! To qualify, infants must be between the ages of 8 and 10 months. To register please visit , enter the website, then under the menu go to “contact”, and send me a message with your name, phone number, email, and the name, sex, and date of birth of the infant that you are registering. If you don't have a little one who qualifies you could always give it as a gift!!! Entries will be accepted until Feb 2nd, the winner will be announced on the 3rd!! The session will be scheduled in February.

This could be your baby!!



The Power of Processing

I love taking photos! But more then that, I love getting them home, uploading them to my computer, and playing around with them in Photoshop. It's amazing how you can change the entire feel of a photo, just by a few tweaks. Here's an example from a recent shoot.


This photo has a bit of color boost applied but nothing drastic...and I like it, but it doesn't feel cold enough. I wanted her to look more ice queen than prom queen. So this is what I came up with.

My Hawt Model

Basically I cooled down the photo (or added a bluish cast). I left her skin tone as don't want that to look blue unless you're going for the corpse look.

So what do you think? Which do you prefer, Ice Queen or Prom Queen?


The Bandwagon

>> Friday, January 9, 2009

Why start a blog?

  • Mostly because I want to be as cool as my friend Micheal Morrison whose blog has rocketed him to Canadian fame & fortune (check it out here).
  • I thought it would give my clients and adoring fans a better feel for who I am and what I'm thinking when I'm clicking away with my camera.
  • I'm hoping that it will force me to better communicate my goals for each session.
  • But honestly...I really just want to feel more important, and i think this will help.



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